Monday, July 16, 2007

Sparky and Bloom undergo Surgery, Isabella Is born

Bloom was getting too skinny , so she was restuffed to add some muscle ...hehehe, wish I could have given her some of my weight ........

Sparky was discovered to have 2 holes on his body ( bulletholes from my gun ?) and needed stitching-up - he also had to have his paws hardened cos he wanted to learn how to skate .......

Sparky with skates !!!!!!!!yeah, he's gonna take Buddy for a skate around the park , vroom vroom ............

Say hello to Isabella - Bella for short - she is my new darling ....but Bloom is not jealous .....they get along so well.....Bloom has even warned Sparky not to bully Bella or else Bloom will get angry and you know what cats can do when they are angry.........grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Sparky,Buddy,Bloom,Tabatha and Bella --------aren't we gorgeous ?
All of us are from the BuildaBear at VivoCity - but none of us is a bear, strange eh .....